Helpful Tuition Options

Tuition rates vary from school to school in the FVL Schools system. Each school is independently owned and operated, so every school needs to set rates depending on community, facilities, and other factors.

Our schools offer you options for assistance with tuition, as the goal is to enable as many as possible to be able to receive the Faith - Value - Learning focus of our FVL Schools. Please check with the schools that interest you to discuss tuition assistance, grants and planning options. 

WI Parental Choice Program (WPCP)

A growing number of our students are able to receive Christian education in our system thanks to the availability of the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP). This state program pays tuition for families that are below a designated income level. The total number of available slots from each school district is continuing to increase.


You can put money toward tuition (at no added cost to you) when purchasing everyday items.  Many of our partners have this as an option.

Tuition Assistance

Not all families are eligible to participate in WPCP, and while the SCRIP Program helps, it does not cover everything. We know there are families who will still struggle to cover the cost of a Christian education. Please check with individual partners to learn their tuition assistance policy and to see if they have access to other grants or planning options.
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