About FVL Schools
The Fox Valley Lutheran Schools partnership includes over 175 teachers and caregivers who are dedicated to providing a quality, Christian education. Our instructors train, learn, and collaborate to keep up with techniques and curriculum, and to improve the classroom and child care experience. Combined, our staff has over 2,000 years of teaching, training, and guiding children.
What does that mean for you and your child? We have a vast knowledge-base, network, and support system which allows us to better serve you and your children!
FVL Schools is managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of men and women who are dedicated to and passionate about providing a quality Christian education. The Curriculum Director regularly meets with instructors from around the FVL Schools system. As a team, they work to improve the consistency and quality of education.
We believe and teach the three historic statements of the Christian faith - the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian creeds - which clarify that God is triune. He is three equal yet distinct persons that are one deity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe and teach that Jesus Christ is God the Son from all eternity who took on human nature in His birth at Bethlehem, and that human beings are saved solely by faith in Him and His perfect life and atoning death for sin. We believe that the Bible is the complete and inerrant Word of God.
The three great truths of the the Christian Faith
By Grace Alone
We are forgiven and saved solely as a result of God's undeserved love, for the sake of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection for us. There is nothing human beings can or must do to contribute to their salvation.
Through Faith Alone
All that Jesus did to restore us to a right relationship with God is ours personally through faith in Jesus. The Holy Spirit creates and confirms in us this faith or trust in Jesus solely through the Gospel - in Scripture and in the Sacraments.
On Scripture Alone
Christian truth and life are established solely by the 66 books of the Bible - God's word-for-word revelation, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error.
All FVL Schools partners are evangelical. The word "evangelical" means that we are all about the Gospel - the "good news" that God's love, forgiveness, and everlasting life are His free gift to sinners for the sake of Jesus Christ. The Gospel shapes our message, our mission, and the character of our life together in Christ's Church.
All of the FVL Schools partners are members of the
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
Learn more about the FVL Schools Partners!