Middle School
High School

Preschool - Grade 12

Numerous school districts across the Fox River Valley employ the middle school model on their campuses. Typically, students in grades 6-8 (sometimes 7-9) are segmented out and attend school on a campus away from younger students. The theory is that students are better prepared for high school. Often, parents believe that if students don't “experience” middle school, high school success will be in question. 

Studies, however, reveal that the K-8 model offers a number of distinct advantages to families and students. Researchers from Harvard, New York University, and the New York Times have pointed out benefits of a K-8 education . . . .

What are benefits of combining K-8 in a learning environment?

  • Not being forced to change from a familiar, comfortable setting to a new, different, and possibly more hostile campus
  • Extended friendly relationships with teachers from earlier grades
  • Being with younger age students (sometimes brothers and sisters) on the same campus
  • Teachers who understand the broad range of child/adolescent development
  • The generally smaller class sizes in K-8 schools
  • Parents not having to negotiate the challenges of having students on multiple campuses
  • School leaders and faculty working in a unified way to facilitate student success

Elise Cappella, New York University

“Most studies have found that a transition to a new school at a time when young people are experiencing other transitions . . . is not an advantage.”

William Moloney, Colorado Education Commissioner

“K-8s are the place where everybody knows your name.”
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